故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁101&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十七冊,頁115-122&*趙孟頫(西元一二五四—一三二二年),浙江吳興人,字子昂,號松雪道人。本宋宗室,宋亡仕元,至翰林學士承旨,封魏國公,諡文敏。 趙孟頫山水,有師法董源者,筆墨簡澹渾樸;有師法李成、郭熙者,筆墨清奇婉麗。此幅即是學李郭一路,用筆用墨,都極清婉奇突。全幅用淡墨起稿,逐層鉤染提破,間有筆不掩墨處。五十歲(一三○三年)畫。&*Chao Meng-fu, a native of Chekiang province, was a scion of the Sung who also served under the following Yüan in the Hanlin Academy. He was famed as a revivalist in painting, to which he often added calligraphic techniques. Chao's landscapes derive from two traditions. One is the Tung Yüan and Chü-jan style-with rolling hills and soft, full-bodied brushwork. The other is from Li Ch'eng and Kuo His, in which the brushwork is crisp and spirited. This work follows the latter mode. The use of brush and ink are exceptionally clear, sharp, and elegant. The work was first outlined in light ink and then built up with layers of ink and wash as well as modeling strokes. This handscroll was done in 1303.